Choosey Program Managers Choose Web-based Collaborating and Reporting Tools

W.A. Bosco and F.H. Born (USA)


Web-based Collaboration, Distributive Reporting Tool, Program Information Repository, Information Sharing Application Beginning


Research program manager's tasks begin well before program solicitations pre-award phase and continue through technology transition. Researchers should focus on technical responsibilities instead of administrative tasks or data management. Researchers and program managers need tools allowing the accessing and sharing of data in addition to keeping them cognizant of the overall research progress. Research/collaboration tools must be cost effective to operate and maintain. Proprietary constraints should not hinder the tool's development nor be based on expiring technology. Tools require robust performance, security of stored data and processes for validating and maintaining information integrity. The tools need to operate in a new paradigm that requires new business processes, standardization of reporting data elements, electronic format, and distributive access. The toolset must provide services to the entire Scientist and Engineering (S&E) team that include contracting and management personnel. The Air Force Research Laboratory's Information Directorate (AFRL/IF) leads in creating a new paradigm. This new paradigm includes web-base reporting and on-line collaboration as a contractual requirement for both industry and academic award holders. AFRL/IFGA is leading the development of a web based contract reporting and technical collaboration tool called Jiffy.

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