Issues and Architecture for a Distributed Education Campus

R.T. Abler and I.G. Wells (USA)


Education, Videoconference, distance learning


: In Georgia, Engineering education has primarily been focused around the Georgia Tech campus in downtown Atlanta. The need to provide increasing access to engineering education throughout the state has driven the creation of the Georgia Tech Regional Engineering Program. This program uses a novel combination of distance learning and flexible faculty, in conjunction with the Atlanta campus and three other campuses in the University System of Georgia, to offer a Georgia Tech degree to students without requiring them to relocation to Atlanta. This new program required an extensive investment in distance learning technology, and a collective effort from the faculty and students to develop, use and improve such a distance learning system, so that the educational environment was enabled by the technology rather than hindered by it. In this paper, academic factors driving the deployment of such technology, technical overview of the system configuration, and solutions to establishing suitable network connectivity are presented.

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