Web-based Expert System for Property Valuation using Mobile Agent Technology

A.O. Ajayi, G.A. Aderounmu (Nigeria), and M.O. Adigun (South Africa)


Mobile agents, expert systems and property evaluation 1.0


The appraisal of residential property is usually performed using the comparison approach. For this approach to be more effective and reliable, it is indeed necessary to automate the process of locating and retrieving the comparable data to be used in estimating the open market value of a property. Using mobile agent, the appraiser can set parameters for comparison. The mobile agent searches the property databases in the network, seeking only those property details (sales figure) that truly match up with the subject property. To make the system perform as a skillful and cost effective consultant, we incorporated into it, a Web-based Expert System that is aimed at automating the valuer's activities.

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