Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave by Axially Symmetrical Obstacles on Conducting Plane

Y.V. Shepilko (Ukraine)


Wave Propagation, Electromagnetic Scattering, Cylinder


Scattering of plane electromagnetic wave by various axially symmetrical obstacles superimposed upon or immersed into a conducting plane is considered. Rigorous solution is obtained in closed form for the cases of half cylinder and axially slotted cylinder, with added dielectric coating. Scattered field is analyzed analytically in the far field zone and numerical characteristics are calculated for the near-grazing incident angles to the plane surface. Shown that in the low-frequency domain in the case of E polarization the configuration of the obstacles has little effect on the far-field pattern, and the amplitude of the scattered field is insignificant; oppositely, the resonant scattering is observed when the incident wave length becomes comparable to the character parameters of the obstacles.

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