A Blind March Filter Method for a Wideband Ground Radar System

F. Nishiyama and H. Murakami (Japan)


Signal Processing, Match filter, Target detection, Wideband radar


The most efficient and well-known filter for detecting target echoes is a matched filter. The conventional matched filter method has been designed under the assumption that a transmitting pulse waveform is known. This paper proposes a new blind matched filter method for a ground radar that uses pulses whose carrier frequencies are varied pulse-to-pulse. The matched filter is designed with respect to the varied frequency range instead of the time range, commonly used in conventional radar systems. The matched Filter is designed without knowledge of a target location, target statistical characteristics and a transmitting pulse waveform. The target statistics is estimated from the received signals under the assumption that the clutter signals for different carrier frequencies are statistically independent, whereas the target signals are correlated. Experiments show that the signal-to-clutter ratio (S/C) is improved about 14dB at the output of the filter with blind learning of 10 targets.

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