A Multi-Functional Stacked Patch Antenna for Wireless Power Beaming and Data Telemetry

G. Yang, M. Ali, and R. Dougal (USA)


Stacked Patch, PIFA, PIN diode, VSWR, Axial ratio.


A multi-functional stacked patch antenna is introduced for possible wireless power beaming and data telemetry applications. The antenna operates at 5.6 GHz with a broadside pattern, 10 dBi right-hand circularly polarized gain, and 23% bandwidth. At a lower frequency at around 2.45 GHz the antenna operates as a planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) with 4 dBi gain and 3.5% bandwidth. Switching between the two regimes of operation can be achieved using PIN diodes. It is proposed that the antenna can be used for wireless power reception in sensors at 5.6 GHz and for data telemetry in between sensors or a sensor and a control station at 2.45 GHz.

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