Sporadic Communication Protocol between Clusters of Mobile Computers

S. Harada and H. Higaki (Japan)


Wireless Technologies, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Routing Protocol, Cluster


Recently, mobile computers have become to communicate with each other by using wireless LAN protocols. Conven tional routing protocols support a mobile network in which mobile computers change their location independently. In case that a mobile computer changes a location with high speed, less messages are exchanged between the mobile computers. In this paper, the authors propose a novel rout ing protocol for supporting mobile clustered networks in which a set of mobile computers move with almost the same velocity and communicate with each other by multi hop message transmission. Here, communication between clusters is available if at least one mobile computer in the cluster is within the message transmission range of a mo bile computer in the other cluster. In addition, since clus ters are sparsely distributed, a communication protocol is required to support sporadic communication. For achiev ing higher bandwidth even though the clusters move with high speed, a set of gateway mobile computers are intro duced in each cluster. We design protocols for switching gateways and for updating routing tables in the clusters ac cording to the movement.

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