Precise Performance Analysis of Diversity Reception for QPSK with Cochannel Interference over a Fading Channel

S.-C. Lin and S.-T. Chiang (Taiwan)


: Maximum-ratio diversity combining (MRC), Optimal diversity combining, cochannel interference (CCI), QPSK, Moment Method, Rayleigh fading.


The performances of maximum-ratio (MRC) and optimal diversity combining schemes in the presence of ISI due to cochannel interference (CCI) in flat Rayleigh fading channels are analyzed and compared. In flat fading environments, ISI can be generated by co-channel interferers due to the random symbol and phase offsets between the desired signal and the cochannel interferers. With these two random-valued offsets, the CCI is shown as a wide-sense stationary process (WSS). Hence, the optimal weight for each diversity branch has a magnitude proportional to the conjugate of the fading signal and inversely proportional to the sum of branch noise-power and interference-power level. The performance using the Gaussian interference model is also provided for a comparison. The accurate error rate is obtained by using the moment method for each time-varying channel in Monte-Carlo simulation

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