A Simple Step-by-Step Decoding of Binary BCH Codes

C.-L. Chyr, S.-L. Su, and S.-W. Wu (PRC)


BCH code, step-by-step decoding, matrix computation, computational complexity.


This paper proposes a simple step-by-step decoding algorithm for t-error-correcting binary Bose-Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH) codes. By using logical analysis, we obtain a simple rule, which can directly determine whether any bit in received codeword is correct or not without finding the error-location polynomial. Compared to a previously proposed step-by-step decoding algorithm, the new method significantly reduces the matrix calculation. Since the most complex element in the conventional step-by-step decoder is the "matrix calculation", the computation complexity of this decoder can be much less than the conventional step-by-step decoding algorithm.

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