QoS Scheduling Mechanism for IntServ/DiffServ Network Services

Y.-C. Chang, R.-C. Wang, J.-L. Chen, and C.-H. Kuo (Taiwan)


Quality of Service (QoS), Integrated Service (IntServ), Differentiated Service (DiffServ), RSVP Protocol, WFQ Mechanism


This study designed an adaptive framework for IntServ service operation over DiffServ networks to support tunable QoS guarantees in multimedia services. Five functional modules were developed in the tunable QoS scheduling discipline, including monitoring, admission control, adjustment, network, and QoS estimation. The ISSLL service architecture with two different QoS facilities, defined in RFC 2998, was promptly executed to examine the feasibility of the proposed QoS mechanism. The video delay in the ISSLL architecture with three RSVP routers is superior to that of pure RSVP and WFQ service architectures, at 9.35% and 10.77%, respectively; moreover, the ISSLL architecture with four RSVP routers is better than those of 5.91% and 7.3%. The tunable service architecture is expected to support the adaptive QoS guarantees in multimedia services.

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