Quality of Service in Wireless and Mobile Networks

N. Baghaei and R. Hunt (New Zealand)


Quality of Service, Wireless LANs, IEEE 802.11 WLANs, 3G/UMTS/cdma2000 Networks, Multimedia over Wireless Networks


Quality of Service (QoS) is a key challenge for today's wireless IP networks. Although many architectures (Integrated Services, Differentiated Services, MPLS, Traffic Engineering, etc.) have been proposed to provide service differentiation in fixed networks, research has shown that what works well in a wired network cannot be directly applied in the wireless environment where bandwidth is scarce and underlying channels can be subject to interference. Thus, implementation of QoS, particularly for supporting voice, video, data and multimedia services in general has a number of difficulties that have to be analysed and resolved. A considerable amount of work has been carried out by the standards groups in an effort to quantify and specify protocols to support QoS in wireless environments. This paper reports these efforts outlining existing limitations, requirements and solutions proposed by organisations such as the IEEE 802.11 Task Group E for wireless LANs and the UMTS effort for 3G/wireless WANs.

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