Usage of Mobile Agents for Wireless Multimedia Communication

M. Wahl and C. Ruland (Germany)


Multimedia application, mobile agents, heterogeneous mobile wireless devices, negotiation, SIP, and RTP


In this paper, an architecture for a distributed application based on mobile and stationary agents is proposed. It of fers a service, called Multimedia Agent Negotiation (MAN) that supports the establishment and management of multimedia sessions with quality of service (QoS) for heterogeneous, mobile devices connected to the Internet over a wireless network. To overcome the communication problems heterogeneous devices often encounter, the agents use negotiation to find a multimedia format and parameters that are supported either by both devices themselves or with the help of transcoding services. The MAN service is based on SIP for signaling and RTCP for monitoring of the transport. It can be used by a client on the mobile device that registers to a MAN service gate way nearby its current location. As each mobile device is represented by a mobile agent, this agent migrates to the same location as its device upon client registration. Thus the signaling paths are kept short and the agents are able to take over some functionality, sparing resources on the wireless networks and computing power on the devices. This makes it possible to use more complex tasks like the negotiation of multimedia and QoS parameters and moni toring of the multimedia data transfer.

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