Optimization of Cable Installation Topologies with Network Sharing for Broadband Distribution

T. Okuyama and Y. Takasaki (Japan)


network sharing, broadband network, walk assistance network, cable installation topology, network installation cost, cost optimization


Fundamental theory for minimizing the network cost per subscriber is investigated for broadband local loops. Long term analyses of broadband local loop cost per subscriber are overviewed to show the importance of minimizing cable installation costs. First, the reduction of network installation cost is investigated in terms of network sharing. Sharing of a network among a broadband information network and a walk-assistance network is considered as an example. It is shown that network installation cost can be halved by network sharing. Next, possibilities of further cost reduction is discussed. It is shown that the cost of walk-assistance network can be reduced by a factor of two by applying passive areas where no inspection camera is used. Finally, further reduction of network installation cost is investigated in terms of network sharing and cable-wireless combination. Dependence of network costs and passive area ratio on wireless area radius r is discussed, where a base station cost is assumed to be proportioned to rn . It is shown that models with smaller and larger r can reduce cost for n > 2 and n < 2, respectively.

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