System Family Engineering for Leader Election in Ring Topology

W. Shi and J.-P. Corriveau (Canada)


: System Family Engineering, Leader Elec tion, Feature Model, State Machine, Rational Rose RT


In this paper we present a method for designing and im plementing a family of algorithms for Leader Election in a ring. Instead of trying to improve a single algorithm, we focus on a whole family of algorithms in this domain. Our approach is to bring System Family Engineering (SFE) to distributed algorithms by building an integrated model for the target domain in order to balance the trade off between maximizing the reuse of existent algorithms and highly cus tomizing each individual algorithm. We investigated sev eral leader election algorithms, built a feature model in the domain to address its variability, and built an integrated state machine for this family of algorithms. We used Ratio nal Rose RT 1 to implement our executable model for the domain..

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