Long Term View on Consumer's Ambient Intelligence-Systems: Storage Trends and Extreme Architectures

F.H.U. Frank (The Netherlands)


Distributed Multimedia, Distributed Real-time System, Ambient Intelligence, Consumer Informatics, Long-Term Evolution, Performance Valuation, Personalized Service, Storage Product Strategy.


Ambient Intelligence forms the future of consumer envi ronments, based on distribution architectures. The per formance is no longer defined by just Moore's law like trends and the developments of Algorithms, as has been in the 'consumer box business' era: effective Allocation of functions will be the third factor. Consumer requirements are derived from different use scenarios, to form the input for performance analyses; a new analysis method is used, allowing future-projections, say towards 2010 to 2015. It is shown that the distribution of consumers' information func tions will undergo a shift: on the long-term, application and storage- functions will be optimally located, at the one hand, at terminals and, at the other, at web-based personal ized services: this shift to extremes, makes consumer envi ronments beyond the user interface- or terminal-functions a computing-empty space; it is called Extreme Architecture here. The relation with storage solutions is drawn, and ra tionales for storage policies are introduced.

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