SIP Mobility Support using SIP Mobility Agent in All-IP Networks

S.H. Lee and J.S. Lim (Korea)


SIP mobility agent, mobility support, Quality of Service


As the number of wireless subscribers rapidly increases the requirements for guaranteeing the quality of services anytime, anywhere, and by any-media are increased. These services require various networks such as CDMA2000, WLAN, and Bluetooth to be integrated into IP-based networks. Session Initiation Protocol is an application-layer protocol used for establishing and tearing down multimedia sessions, both unicast and multicast. SIP supports personal mobility, i.e., a user can be found independent of location and network device but it cannot support IP mobility. Also, when mobile host moves to other network, packet loss is occurred. In this paper, we propose a network architecture which includes an agent module called SIP mobility agent at end-point router. SIP mobility agent supports mobility both UDP and TCP connections, and reduces location registration time during handoff. SIP mobility agent also helps for maintaining of quality of service in heterogeneous network environments by offering network information.

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