A Web-based Intelligent Tutoring System Teaching Health Care Technology

C. Koutsojannis, I. Hatzilygeroudis, and J. Prentzas (Greece)


Intelligent Web-based Education, Bio-medical technology1.


In this paper, we present a Web-based Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for distant education of nursing students and other health professionals in fundamental aspects of health care technology. It offers course units covering the needs of users with different knowledge levels and personal characteristics. It tailors the presentation of the educational material to the users' diverse needs by using AI techniques to specify each user's model as well as to make pedagogical decisions. This is achieved via an expert system that uses a hybrid knowledge representation formalism integrating symbolic rules with neurocomputing. According to our preliminary results the number of the students that were used the system and passed ITS's tests is not significantly different from them that were participated the same course in the traditional classroom. The Web's universality will enable many users to gain access to the system's operations and significant conclusions regarding the system's efficiency will thus be drawn after its' use with numerous and diverse cases.

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