Exploratory and Fundamental Requirements for E-Learner Personal Assistant

M. Eboueya, N.P. Eboueya, and M. Bumaki (France)


e-learner personal assistant, intelligent pedagogicalagents.


Collaborative Learning is a philosophy of teaching. It is far from being a series of techniques designed for the teacher to have less work, or intended to make students lives miserable. The problematic of this paper is the conditions gouverning the integration of an eLearner Personal Assistant (e-LPA) in a Virtual Learning Environment. The response of this problemantic is contained in the rles that the e-LPA is expected to play for the learner, for the full collaboration between the learner and the intelligent agent, and in the definition of agents capabilities. We will investigate the requirements for an intelligent pedagogical agent, and it's role in an overall pedagogical strategy for distance or other on online education. Recognizing that there are domain specific requirements for pedagogical agents, perhaps it would be possible to arrive at a set of functional capabilities that are common to all or most agents. It is useful to provide an overview of some of the major issues that must be considered (including a "wish-list" of capabilities of intelligent agents), of what has already been done within the framework of pedagogical agents (implemented using a multi- agent technology) in collaborative learning environments, what can be attained and even and those capabilities that may never be possible?

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