Animated and Interactive E-Learning Concept and Realization

H. Weiss, A. Schmidhofer, A. Schmid (Austria), V. Hajek (Czech Republic), B. Davat (France


E-Learning and E-training, Advanced Electrical Engineering Education, Animations, On-line Simulations, International Project


Today's multimedia opportunities offer new approaches to attractive, high quality and very efficient education. In the framework of a European Union Leonardo da Vinci II program, a well designed concept, a clear methodology, the application of carefully selected software programs and a European-wide co-operation shall produce a set of courses on general and some special topics of electrical engineering. These courses are intended for live presentations (lectures) and for web-based distant learning as well, including in-detail explanations for repetition and self study. The modules contain animations and simulations and allow for the change of parameters while giving direct response on the results.

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