F. Szidarovszky, A. Eskandari, and J. Zhao (USA)
Hazardous material, Monte Carlo simulation, Simulationuncertainty, Optimization.Table 1. Evaluation values and their uncertainty1T 2T 3T 4T 5T1C%1010 6%1010 6%10102 6%1010 6%
The selection of the most appropriate remediation technology is found to cleanup a chemical landfill. Multiobjective optimization is used to model the conflicting interests and priorities of the interest groups. Six particular distance-based methods are used and the uncertainty of model parameters is taken into account by a special simulation approach. The restoration of a chemical landfill can be done by using any one of the following technologies: T1: digging and disposing T2: in situ remediation with established methods T3: in situ remediation with new methods T4: ex situ remediation with established methods T5: ex situ remediation with new methods.
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