Simulation-based Decision Support for the Logistics of Maritime Emergency Management

A. Orsoni (UK)


Design for Safety, Maritime Emergency Management, Decision Support Systems, Maritime Logistics, Pollution Containment


This paper presents a simulation-based decision support system (DSS) for the application of concurrent engineering (CE) to the design and layout of port infrastructures and of the corresponding logistic network. The focus of this development is on design for safety aimed at establishing the location of such infrastructures, the allocation and the management of resources that minimizes the environmental impact of accidental occurrences capable of affecting the coastal ecosystem. Specifically the tool was developed and customized for the analysis of both fixed infrastructures and logistic resources with respect to their effectiveness in the management of chemical spill emergencies. The tool evaluates and compares alternative logistic configurations and resources allocation strategies in terms of pollution containment for a given geographic location. The paper outlines an example application to oil-spill emergency management and the results of extensive sensitivity testing for the relevant influencing factors.

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