Simulating the Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis Procedure during Cataract Surgery

R. Webster, J. Sasanni, R. Shenk, and G. Zoppetti (USA)


Surgical simulator, capsulorhexis procedure, cataract surgery.


This paper describes a technique for simulating the capsulorhexis procedure during cataract surgery. The continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis technique can be a difficult procedure for beginning ophthalmology surgeons. In the initial phase of tearing the tissue, the tear vector is tangential to the circumference of the tear circle. However, without the proper re-grasping of the flap of torn tissue close to the tear point, the tear vector angle quickly runs downhill possibly causing severe damage to the tissue. Novice surgeons tend to try to complete the capsulorhexis without the time consuming re-grasping of the tissue flap. Other factors such as anterior bowing of the lens diaphragm, patient age, and shallow anterior chambers add to the problematic nature of the procedure. Our prototype capsulorhexis simulator models these various tear problems and anomalies to provide a training and learning environment without the dangers of using live patients.

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