Stress Alterations in Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty: A Microstructural Finite-Element Study

T.S. Keller and V. Kosmopoulos (USA)


polymethylmethacrylate, trabecular bone, vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, finite element analysis, microdamage


An anatomically accurate, axisymmetric, microstructural finite element (FE) model was constructed from CT images to examine the effects of cement augmentation on trabecular bone stress distributions in treated and adjacent thoracic vertebrae. Prior to augmentation, vertebral damage was simulated using an elasto-plastic, iterative FE scheme. Several cement repair strategies (vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty) were subsequently studied using the damaged microstructural motion segment model. The simulations indicated that cement fill and geometry play an important role in damaged vertebral motion segment stresses distributions.

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