Software Engineering Knowledge Capitalization using CBR: Case Structure

G. Ngantchaha, R. Nkambou, and V. Bevo (Canada)


Case based reasoning, knowledge representation, software engineering


When building a system implementing Case Based Reasoning (CBR), one of the key elements is the case structure. The complexity of a case structure depends on the nature of elements contained in the case. In the CIAO SI project referenced in this paper, a case stands for a set of knowledge related to a Software Engineering (SE) project considering the whole software life cycle. We are particularly interested in artifacts and development processes related knowledge. In this paper, we present the case structure adopted for this purpose, and examine some implementation issues. The object-relational database formalism was chosen as representational formalism for a case, which is represented in a hierarchical form. The contribution of the XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) format and database technology is explored for implementation purpose.

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