M.R. Laws (USA)
Text-to-speech; synthesis; diphone; database; Morilanguage; translator.
One of the main types of speech processing technologies today is text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. A well established speech synthesizer technique called `diphone concatenation' uses a speakers processed speech examples to apply a more human-like response to the TTS synthesis system. This methodology has been used to construct many diphone databases for various languages, and was the basis for building the first Mori diphone database. The database was then tested using a number of TTS tools. Integrating the TTS system with an existing internet based English-Mori Word Translator has advantages for language learners [1]. The goal to assist people to hear the proper pronunciation of translated Mori words is the prime motivation. Utilizing internet technology as the means to widely distribute the written and spoken language forms reflects the multi-disciplinary cross purpose nature of this research. Propagation of the Mori language via the internet can assist in it's long term survival through greater external exposure, awareness and usage. This paper brings together various theoretical contributions in publications and practical applications from research projects to help construct and test a working model for synthesizing Mori speech.
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