PID Control: An Energy Shaping Tool for Passive Systems

A.T. Alexandridis and H.E. Psillakis (Greece)


Power control, PID controllers, energy shaping


Output feedback PID control is the most popular in industrial and power systems and many design methods have been proposed for its implementation. In this paper an inherent property of the PID controller for passive systems is proven, that is: i) the negative proportional term of the PID controller improves stability independently from the action of the integral and/or derivative terms of the controller ii) the action of the output feedback integral term and derivative term results in the shaping of the total stored energy through its influence on the generalized dynamic and kinetic energy of the system respectively. As shown by an illustrative example, this formulation in the design of a PID controller for power systems can be easily used since most of the power and industrial systems are passive systems which manipulate electrical and/or mechanical energy.

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