Thermal Energy Storage Opportunities for Residential Space Cooling: A Technology to Manage Demand Response and Reduce Customer Costs

C. Alvarez, A. Gabaldon, F.J. Garcia-Franco, E. Gómez, J.A. Fuentes, and A. Molina (Spain)


Demand-Responsive policies, thermal energy storage, energy-efficiency.


Cool thermal energy storage could become one of the primary solutions to manage peaks, low load factors, electrical power imbalance between daytime and nighttime, and to offer the possibility to reduce electricity costs for the customer. This kind of storage uses off-peak power to provide cooling capacity by extracting heat from a storage medium. Typically these systems use refrigeration equipment to create at night a reservoir of cold liquid or solid material. During the day, the reservoir is tapped to provide cooling capacity. To evaluate the opportunities of storage it is necessary to have accurate load models. The problem of modeling of cool thermal storage is addressed in this work. The proposed load model rely on information about the physical characteristics of an hypothetical load at the residential sector of customers. Some simulation results are shown and some demand responsive alternatives are also proposed in the work.

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