The Application Service Provider-Client Relationship and Knowledge Sharing

B.W.N. Lo (USA)


IT outsourcing, application service provider (ASP), outsourcer provider relationship, knowledge sharing.


Application service providers (ASPs) ushered in a new paradigm of technology outsourcing by making software services available to users via the Internet/WAN on a pay-as-you-go basis. However, when the high tech bubble wilted, many questioned the viability of the ASP business model. We argue that while first-generation ASPs may not have everything perfect in this new paradigm, the concept of "software as a service" is here to stay. To survive the test of time, new ASPs must address information and knowledge sharing issues in the outsourcer-provider relationship. In this paper the ASP model is re-examined in the light of recent IT outsourcing trends and the findings of a survey on ASPs and their users.

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