Development of Website "Check-and-revise Your Motivational Design" based on the ARCS Model

K. Suzuki, A. Nishibuchi, M. Yamamoto (Japan), and J.M. Keller (USA)


Educational Software, Instructional Design, Evaluationand Assessment in WBE, ARCS Model, FormativeEvaluation, Motivation


Website that contained motivational design strategies for various instructional setting, including face-to-face lectures and self-paced learning materials, were designed and developed to help lecturers/designers improve their instruction based on the result of user reaction questionnaire. The Website has capabilities of collecting questionnaire data, analyzing them, and suggesting weak areas, based on Keller's ARCS motivational design model. Strategies to improve instruction are then suggested by retrieving from motivational strategy database, that are suitable for a given instructional setting (teaching mode, target audience, characteristics of learning objectives, etc.). Formative evaluation studies were conducted to revise the Website for usability and practical effects, where the lecturers/designers worked through the Website to come up with a set of their own motivational enhancement strategies by referring to the weak areas the system analyzed and the motivational strategies the system proposed.

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