Multimedia in Education: The Description of Two Experiences

N. Sala (Switzerland)


Multimedia, Education, Mathematical Thought, VirtualReality, New Media Juke Box.


The term multimedia describes a number of diverse technologies that allow visual and audio media to be taken and combined in new ways for the purpose of communicating. Applications include entertainment, education and advertising. The aim of this paper is to introduce some different examples of the use of multimedia technology in the educational field. In particular we will refer on some different applications of multimedia technologies at University of Italian Switzerland, USI (Universit della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland). First example named Mathematical Thought project, is an attempt to organize a course of mathematics using multimedia solutions. It has been developed at the Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio. Second example, developed in the faculty of Communication Sciences, proposes some reflections about the application of a didactical multimedia database, structured as a collections of electronic resources.

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