A Synchronous Groupware and Some Scenarios for Conducting a Software Engineering Lab with Distributed Teams

S. Werner, A. Hunger, F. Schwarz, C. Schütz, and M. Jung (Germany)


Computer Supported Collaborative Working, Groupware, Software-Engineering-Education


The motivation for the usage of new media in University Education can differ. For this approach, the globalization of the international labor market and the internationalization of university education play an important role. The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is involved in several projects such as "eCampus" [1], "Minerva" [2] and "OFFSHORE & Bridge" [3]. All of them aim at the development of innovative contributions to university education from various points of view. But most of all these projects form the basis for the usage of new media and communication technologies, especially those using audio- and video conferencing tools in university education. This paper describes the efforts that have been made at UDE and the experiences up to now concerning the development and usage of a synchronous groupware in a software engineering lab with spatially distributed student teams taking a software engineering lab as an example.

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