Performance Measurement of Pilot Global Distance Training Systems at KMITL

O. Wongwirat, S. Ratree (Thailand), and T. Wakabayashi (Japan)


Distance training, synchronous and asynchronous Elearning, and performance measurement.


Education in the new era brings about an innovation technology that integrates communications, networks and computer technologies to apply with. The main purpose of academic sectors that applies such those technologies is not only to be an educational services center for supporting academic staff and students but also to create a new approach of E-learning system in a borderless aspect. This paper describes a collaborative research on the pilot global distance training project between the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Post and Telecommunications, Tokai University, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. The research combines synchronous and asynchronous E-learning concept to the system. The outline of system, network configuration, services feature, and training experiment were described including measurement to verify the overall system performance. The results reflected that the system could support synchronous and asynchronous aspect and the objectives could considerably be achieved.

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