Fundamental Mechanism for Activating Discussion in Collaborative Learning of Mathematical Exercise: Detecting Answering Viewpoint based on Diagrams

T. Kojiri and T. Watanabe (Japan)


Collaborative learning, coordinator agent, generating advice, conceptual model of diagram


In the web-based collaborative learning environment, the teacher who helps the learning group to have effective discussion/learning is important. For such requirement, we have constructed the coordinator agent which grasps the learning situation of the learning group and generates advice, if necessary. In this paper, we focus on the exercise of function in mathematics and define the appropriate advice based on T. Watanabe's knowledge handling model. In mathematical exercise, students have varieties of knowledge which connects to the specific method/formula to be applied, and derive the answer by detecting the knowledge which is similar to current learning situation. Especially, in the exercise of function in mathematics, the diagram gives the hint to the particular method/formula. Therefore, to indicate appropriate diagram which corresponds to correct answering viewpoint is useful. As a fundamental mechanism for providing appropriate diagram, the coordinator agent needs to detect current answering viewpoint from the learning group's diagram. However, the diagram of the same viewpoint can be drawn variously, because the equations of the supplementary figures drawn in the diagram are not determined clearly. In this paper, we introduce the conceptual model of the diagram, which represents the diagram based on its characteristics, and describe the mechanism for detecting current answering viewpoint of the learning group by comparing these conceptual models.

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