Evaluation of Wireless Usability with a Java Software Agent

T. Ceska, S. Kuhlins, and H. Nösekabel (Germany)


M-Commerce, Mobile Usability and Evaluation, Software Agents, WAP Page Design Tools, Java Technology and Applications


This paper describes the value of usability, especially in the context of mobile devices. WAP sites offer companies the chance to provide mobile services to their customers or to improve the mutual relationship. In order to maximize the user experience, several usability criteria need to be fol lowed. The development of such a catalog of criteria forms the basis for the implementation of our "Wireless Usability Software Agent" (WUSA). This agent applies these crite ria to WAP sites and generates metrics that allow evalua tion of the state-of-the-art regarding WAP sites. As far as we know, current solutions can test single sites, but neither the implementation of a comprehensive usability catalog nor an extensive data collection possible with an agent has been done and publicized so far. With these results, com mon problems and errors can be pointed out giving devel opers the chance to avoid and correct them.

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