Performance Improvement of the DRM System using FRM

Y.-K. Kang, P.-J. Kwon, and H. Kim (Korea)


: Digital Contents protection, DRM, Fingerprint Recognition, Digital Rights Providers


This increased popularity of the digital transactions has required more efficient protection schemes such as digital rights management system (DRM). DRM protects digital contents, returns profits generated from the contents use to the digital rights providers (DRPs). And it also helps DRPs' gold rush into a new market. This paper introduces a model that contains DRM, and verification methods using applied one-way functional analysis and fingerprinting which is characterized by its immutability and individuality. This model is designed to distinguish clients from unauthorized users, so that only valid users can have access to the digital contents. To sort out unauthorized users, fingerprints recognition mechanism (FRM) is adopted, rather than conventional passwords. The advantages of using FRM surpass the advantages of using passwords. We hope FRM's reliable feature will allow a better digital environment for contents design, distribution and implementation.

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