View-independent Texture Representation for Omnidirectional Display

N. Sakamoto, J. Nonaka, T. Takai, K. Koyamada, and T. Matsuyama (Japan)


3D Shape Reconstruction, Texture Representation,View-independence, Voxel Coloring, Omnidirectional Display Device.


In this paper, we present a new view-independent texture representation method for displaying objects reconstructed from multi-viewpoint video images into an omnidirectional display device. In order to accelerate the reconstruction process, we used the texture representation method based on voxel coloring, which eliminates the necessity of surface patch model generation, required in the previous methods. We applied voxel coloring to a voxel model reconstructed from multi-viewpoint video images by using volume inter section method. Moreover, our proposed method takes into account the influence of the specular reflection, which has not been considered so far. We implemented and evaluated the proposed method using a set of arbitrary viewpoint im ages. As a result, the effectiveness of our approach was verified.

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