Incorporating VR Databases into AI Knowledge Representations: A Framework for Intelligent Graphics Applications

M.E. Latoschik and M. Schilling (Germany)


Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Human Computer Interaction, Multimodal Interaction


This article presents a framework for incorporating com monly used VR (Virtual Reality) databases for graphics and physics simulation into an AI (Artificial Intelligence) knowledge base using a unifying semantic net (SN) rep resentation. Several examples in the area of multimodal interaction for AI based graphics applications are given to motivate this approach. An evaluation of the chosen SN knowledge representation (KR) regarding five roles suit able to analyze a given KR is followed by a discussion about resulting conceptual and technical requirements for the underlying DB/KBMS (database/knowledge base man agement system) which supports the chosen KR as well as mediating layers for external simulation relevant modules.

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