Optimal Test Allocation Model for Estimating Software Reliability

S.A. Al-Maati and K. Rekab (USA)


Software Reliability, Software Testing, Partition Testing


In any non trivial software system the reliability of the software cannot be determined exactly. Instead, we must apply statistical methods to create an estimate based on a sample of test cases. Our goal is, given a fixed total number of test cases, to find the optimal sampling model to allocate these test cases among the partitions of the software so as to minimize the variance incurred by the maximum likelihood estimator of the overall software reliability. The optimal model will therefore serve as a benchmark for the "goodness" of other software test allocation models / software reliability models. We compare and demonstrate the results from the balanced fixed allocation model and the optimal allocation model and show their strength in terms of the variance incurred when the overall system reliability is estimated by its maximum likelihood estimator both theoretically and through Monte Carlo simulations

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