A Framework for the Analysis and Comparison of Hypermedia Design Methods

S. Montero, P. Díaz, and I. Aedo (Spain)


hypermedia, design methods, software engineering


Due to increasing size and complexity of hyperme dia and web applications, there is growing concern by how to develop quality, reusable and maintainable hypermedia systems. In fact, a series of well-defined design methods have been proposed to be used during the design process. In this paper, we propose a framework of reference based on software and hypermedia engineering fields in order to perform a constructive analysis of the most outstanding me thods to date such as HDM, RMM, OOHDM, Autoweb, WebML, UWE and OO-H method. With this survey, we attempt to help developers to select which method is the most suitable for their needs. Moreover, from this analysis some lacks in the hypermedia development process are revealed.

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