Experience Paper: Migration of a Web-based System to a Mobile Work Environment

C.-F. Sørensen, A.I. Wang, and Ø. Hoftun (Norway)


: Mobile work, mobile devices, application evaluation,mobile software systems, technology migration


It is a large collection of software supporting the planning, execu tion and reporting of work activities, but these systems are mainly created to be run in a distributed wired network, or as standalone systems. The systems do not directly support the mobile part of work. The cost and effort to make such systems available to mo bile users are not just an issue of making adjustments to the net work protocols, but also to be able to adapt the system to a het erogeneous set of hardware spanning from small mobile phones to portable PCs. This paper presents experiences from migration of a Web-based task administration system to a mobile environ ment. Different solutions of system adaptation are discussed, and a prototype of a system to support mobile work is presented and evaluated.

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