Specification Support to the Synergy of Compound Design Patterns

J.K.-H. Mak, C. S.-T. Choy, and D.P.K. Lun (PRC)


Design patterns, LePUS, precise specification.


A combination of patterns is worth to be documented as a compound pattern if the way they combine is found recurrent for a general design problem. Such recurrent way of combination forms a synergy among those combining patterns. They are best described in terms of their constituent patterns. However, few of the previously suggested pattern specification languages allow the specification to such synergy. Those who claimed support are also limited to a particular kind of them. Specifying the synergy of compound patterns in terms of constituent patterns not only retains the benefits recognized by the pattern community, it also provides a formal basis for the research in quality analysis of pattern combination and the development of recognition mechanism for compound patterns. In this paper, we identify the types of combinations that appeared in compound patterns and the criteria to specify them. A specification language, exLePUS, which extended from LePUS, is also proposed based on these criteria. ExLePUS allows precise specification to the synergy of compound patterns without losing the genericity offered by the constituent patterns.

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