Service-Based Development of Dynamically Reconfiguring Embedded Systems

M. Trapp, B. Schürmann, and T. Tetteroo (Germany)


adaptive systems, dynamic reconfiguration, graceful degradation, variable types, service configurations


With the increasing complexity of embedded systems, generating an abstract system model during the early sys tem analysis phase becomes more and more important. Various solutions have already been proposed for develop ing information systems but they cannot be assigned to embedded systems due to specific non-functional require ments. This paper describes an adequate abstract model for embedded systems. Three major concepts will be pro posed: a) variable types, representing properties of the environment, are used to model the data in a system including its quality, b) hierarchical services describe the data flow from sensors to actuators, c) finally, configura tions explicitly show all possible and allowed operation modes of a system. We also show how the latter may be used for configuring product lines or for graceful degrada tion of fault-tolerant embedded systems.

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