Super-adaptive Stabilization

M.H. Karaata (Kuwait)


Distributed systems, fault tolerance, p-centers, selfstabilization, linear


An adaptive protocol is said to be super-adaptive stabiliz ing if it is stabilizing and each topology change or tran sient fault triggers at most a single execution (or a constant number of executions) per node, i.e., O(1) rounds, in the network. In this paper, we first introduce the paradigm of super-adaptive stabilization. Then, we present a super adaptive stabilizing algorithm for finding p-centers of lin ear arrays on a distributed model of computation. Due to being super-adaptive stabilizing the proposed algorithm can withstand transient faults, does not require initializa tion, and effectively adapts to topology changes in the form of addition and/or removal of edges and vertices. It con cludes with remarks on issues such as open problems and the application areas of the algorithm.

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