Multi-recipient Requests in the Session Initiation Protocol

I. Miladinovic and J. Stadler (Austria)


Multiparty Communication, Signaling, SIP, Instant Mes saging, Multi-Recipient Requests, Conferencing


This paper presents an approach for an efficient trans mission of signaling information in a multiparty communi cation, which reduces signaling traffic for messages that are sent to several recipients. It is based on signaling messages that include location addresses of each recipient of the mes sage. Therefore, they can be delivered to all recipients effi ciently, instead of sending the message to each destination separately in a turn. We applied this approach on the Ses sion Initiation Protocol (SIP), which is a widely used sig naling protocol in IP networks. To support the approach, a SIP request must be able to include SIP Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) of several recipients. Such a SIP request we call multi-recipient request. We also present the results of simulations that show the signaling traffic generated with and without multi-recipient requests. Special attention will be given to the access link of the sender of the message, because this link is often a low-bandwidth link, which each message has to pass.

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