Hierarchical Load-balanced Routing via Bounded Randomization based on Destination Node

S. Bak and S.-Y. Kang (Korea)


Hierarchical Load- Balanced Routing,unequal paths, bounded randomization, unequal-pathrouting, multi-path routing, single path routing


- The purpose of routing protocols in a computer network is to maximize network throughput. Popular shortest-path routing protocols have the disadvantage of causing bottlenecks due to their single path routing. That is, the shortest path between a source and a destination may become highly congested even when many other paths have low utilization. In this paper, we propose a routing scheme for hierarchically structured computer networks such as Internet. The new hierarchical routing algorithm, which we call the Hierarchical Load Balanced Routing (HLBR), randomly balances traffic load via unequal paths over the whole network; therefore, it removes bottlenecks and increases network throughput. For each data message to be sent from a source s to a destination d, the proposed routing protocol chooses randomly each of three intermediate nodes from a selected set of network nodes, and routes the data message along a path from s through the three intermediate nodes to d. This increases the effective bandwidth between each pair of nodes.

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