CAC, Resource Reservation and Scheduling for QoS Provisioning in GPRS

A.C. Barreiras Kochem, E. I. Bodanese, and L. Nacamura Jr. (Brazil)


Wireless Networks, GPRS and QoS Provisioning.


Applications like voice, video and data differ a lot in terms of quality of service (QoS) requirements. A key problem in supporting these applications across wireless networks is managing the scarce shared bandwidth. This paper presents a QoS provisioning scheme over General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) networks by combining Call Admission Control (CAC), Resource Reservation and Scheduling. Together these QoS mechanisms can provide a differentiated treatment to multimedia traffic. Their effect on the delay, delay variation and throughput generated by multimedia traffic is analyzed with the Network Simulator (NS). Results show that using CAC, resource reservation and scheduling we can meet the diversity of QoS requirements of an applications set.

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