Hardware Impact on Message Passing Performance of Beowulf Linux Cluster

Y. Tang, Y.-Q. Zhang, J.-C. Sung, and Y.-C. Li (PRC)


Beowulf LINUX Cluster; LogPparameters; hardware impact; communicationperformance


There exist a lot of models of parallel computation, amongst which LogP and LogGP are famous and suitable to describe the framework of communication process of Beowulf LINUX Cluster. [4] analyzed the impact of each LogP parameter on real world application in detail. But most researchers seemed ignore the impact of different hardware conditions on LogP parameters. This paper, based on Beowulf LINUX Cluster, compare these various hardware differences and their possible impacts, and propose some useful suggestions in the end. We hope it will be helpful to the configuration of Beowulf LINUX Cluster. The analysis of software impacts is our future work.

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