SRAKA: A Case of Web Portal Architecture Centered around Horizontal Services

B. Horvat, M. Ojstersek, and Z. Cajic (Slovenia)


web portals, distributed systems, machine learning,personalization, data mining


The main function of today's web portals is aggregation of content and various services for large end user audiences. Web portals can be classified into categories by using end user communities as a measure. On the one hand, there is the Internet-wide targeted audience with its general content needs and on the other hand, a little more specific audience with a requirement of more personalized services. In this paper, we intend to present a case architecture of our WWW and WAP portal called SRAKA. We argue that every portal is made of some basic recurring services we named them horizontal services. The most important such services are: authentication, integration, and personalization since their interconnected nature guides the overall design and architecture. Whereas, services that do not come into this group are named vertical services since some specific domain characterizes them. For instance, travel route calculation for city bus network is specific to a city information portal. All other horizontal and vertical services are based around these three basic services triangle.

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