A Multiobjective Ant Colony System for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

B. Barán and M Schaerer (Paraguay)


Multiobjective optimization, Ant Colony Optimization, Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Pareto Optimal Set.


This paper proposes a variation of the Multiple Ant Colony System for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MACS-VRPTW) algorithm, which is based on an Ant Colony System approach, using two ant colonies to minimize first the number of vehicles and then the total traveled distance. As an improvement, the present work proposes to use a modified version specialized for a multiobjective context, using just one colony to get a set of Pareto optimal solutions considering three objectives at the same time, the number of vehicles, the total traveling time and the total delivery time. Experimental results validate the new approach with very good results when compared to the original MACS-VRPTW.

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