Providing QoS in Ad Hoc Networks with Behaviour’s Nodes Algorithm (BNA)

F. Sidi Abed, M. Gueroui, and J.P. Claudé (France)


Ad hoc, quality of service (QoS), routing protocols, security, Jini technology.


The ad hoc networks are distinguished from the other forms of wireless networks by the absence of fixed infrastructure. They can be created and used at any time and at anywhere. Today, the flows reached on this type of networks make possible the multi-media transfer of flow. Then the problem of the quality of service reappears once again. The proposals of IETF in the wire world cannot be exploited in an environment characterized by a band-width limited, a dynamic topology, and a constraint on energy, without neglecting the problem of security in data transmission. In this paper, we propose a routing protocol with QoS inspired on Jini1 technology, so to locate nodes and to ensure an effective safety. Because the mobility in the ad hoc networks is not really strong like their cellular homologues, our approach consider an environment where users exhibit a predictable space behavior (places reached by nodes throughout their connection). In this manner we avoided the purely random models where mobility is too high.

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